Aircraft accidents and casualties

Based on the data from BAAA two graphs, one with the number of accidents per year and one with the number of casualties per year.

Only aircrafts which can hold six or more people, including pilot(s) are considered. Balloons, airships, gliders and fighters are excluded.

Graph showing number of aircraft accidents per year for the world, since 1946.
It starts around 400 per year, with a short peak in 1951 with almost 500, then a steady decline to just over 200 in 1964.
Followed by a rise again to 400 in 1979. After that a slow decline with some hickups to around 100 a year recently.
2024 so far has 117 accidents.
Graph showing number of aircraft casualties per year for the world, since 1946.
It starts with some years around 2000 casualties. Followed by a couple of lower years in the fifties with around 1500 casualties.
Then a rise with a peak of 3355 in 1972. From that moment a slow decline with some exceptions like 1985 with 3023 and 1996 with 2856.
Last couple of years it declined to below 500, with the exception of 2024, now at 621.