Europol terrorism data

Each year Europol publishes a report on terrorism in the EU. We’ve gathered the data from all years available and created several graphs based on it.

Please not that in these graphs we have exclude the UK now, even for the years that they were still in the EU. this was done to make the data a bit more comparable over the years shown.

First a graph with a count of all attacks per year, split per cause (stacked bar chart).

Graph showing number of terrorism attacks in the EU since 2006, per cause.
Total number declined from almost 600 in 2007 to 28 last year.
Up to 2015 most attacks came from seperatists and ethno-nationalists.
After that year left wing and jihadists are major contributors. Except in 2021 (No left wing).
The UK is excluded from this data, even for the years they still were member of the EU.
2023 saw a sudden rise to 120 attacks, after 4 years with less than 50.
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Counting EU law infringement cases per country

All the laws created on EU level have to be implemented by the member states. Sometimes the implementation is late, sometimes the implementation is wrong and sometimes a country did other things that violated existing EU laws.

The EU Commission keeps track of the number of open infringement cases at year end for each country. Using their reporting the following heatmap table was produced.

Heatmap table showing the open EU law application infringement counts for all current EU countries per year since 2009.	
Summary data, average of open cases since 2009	
Country	Average
Denmark	31
Estonia	33
Lithuania	37
Malta	38
Finland	39
Latvia	41
Luxembourg	45
Netherlands	45
Croatia	46
Sweden	48
Ireland	52
Slovakia	53
Hungary	57
Slovenia	57
Cyprus	61
United Kingdom	62
Austria	64
Romania	64
Austria	64
Romania	64
Czechia	65
Bulgaria	67
Portugal	69
France	70
Germany	76
Poland	79
Italy	80
Belgium	82
Greece	86
Spain	92
EU average	59